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Allure x Homme van lab YOLO

YOLO.#Allure 舞蹈演出+ #HommeVanLab 時裝走秀


Allure 品牌總監許杏君秉持著「肢體無關性別,而愛也是」的核心理念,邀請了包括前雲門舞者李宗軒,台灣 Vogue 女王 Sharron 老師等八位知名編舞家,與台灣服裝品牌 HOMME VAN LAB 首度合作,共同演繹一場台灣首創,以「You only live once」為號召,跨界肢體,超越性別的時尚舞蹈大秀【YOLO】。


【 Body is genderless. So is love. 】

Hoping to create a “dance fashion show” combined with multiple elements, including fashion, dance, and music,

HOMME VAN LAB collaborated with the Allure Dance for the first time at the end of 2015.

The concept of genderless love and the respect to multiple genders were expressed through the body language in the performances.

At the same time, the show initiated a crossover interaction between the field of fashion and dance.

編舞 Choreography/杏君

2015 Allure x Homme van lab YOLO


BIOS Monthly 報導

Allure x Homme van lab YOLO

Allure x Homme van lab YOLO

Allure x Homme van lab YOLO
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Allure x Homme van lab

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Allure x Homme van lab

Allure x Homme van lab

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